Turbocharger TK18

Turbocharger TK18 Photo

Description of TK18 turbochargers

TK18 turbochargers are designed for supercharging diesel engines with an average high-speed power of up to 882 kW. A special feature of these turbochargers is the cantilever arrangement of the compressor wheel and turbine wheel in relation to their bearings. These turbochargers operate reliably at intake air temperatures from -40 to +50°C and relative humidity up to 98%.

Characteristics of TK18 turbochargers

Turbocharger rotor speed, ntk, min-1: 20000…38000
Compressor pressure increase ratio, Πk: 1.73…2.7
Air flow through the compressor, Gair, kg/s: 0.95…1.68

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